
Apprendre à prononcer brute

  1. a savagely violent person or animal.
    "he was a cold-blooded brute"
    synonymes : savage, beast, monster, animal, sadist, barbarian, devil, demon, fiend, ogre, thug, lout, boor, oaf, ruffian, yahoo, rowdy, bully boy, pig, radge, swine, bastard, dog, dirty dog
  2. an animal as opposed to a human being.
    "we, unlike dumb brutes, can reflect upon our impulses"
    synonymes : animal, beast, wild animal, wild beast, creature, critter

characterized by an absence of reasoning or intelligence.
"a brute struggle for social superiority"

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11 avr. 2024 · adjective ; 1 · of or relating to beasts · brute ; 2 · inanimate sense 1a · brute ; 4 · purely physical. brute strength ; 5 · unrelievedly harsh. brute ...
noun · any animal except man; beast; lower animal · ( as modifier ). brute nature.
BRUTE définition, signification, ce qu'est BRUTE: 1. a rough and sometimes violent man: 2. an animal, especially a large one: 3. great physical…
brute · 1. Littéraire. Animal considéré dans ses instincts sauvages. · 2. Personne qu'une violence exagérée, une totale inculture, un manque de sensibilité ...
Since 1968, BRUTE has been known for its iconic durability, quality, and reliability. In 2023, the BRUTE family is growing with new Material Handling product ...
(Néologisme) (Sens figuré) Personne qui maîtrise incontestablement un domaine. Bac 2014 : devenez une brute en vocabulaire de langues étrangères. — (http:// ...
""Brute"" sur www.brute.com
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1. Vx. [En parlant d'un animal] Qui vit à l'état de nature, sauvage. Une bête brute. − P. ext., péj. Une bête brute. Homme bestial, dénué de sensibilité ...
A brute is a person who is as ferocious as a wild animal. A violent, savage person can be described as a brute, and so can a wild animal. Someone who's less ...
""Brute"" sur www.brutejeeps.com
THE BRUTE CONVERSION. This is not just a jeep with a few added options. This is a BRUTE. Carefully designed, manufactured and styled to fit your custom ...